Automotive Detailing Sector, Auto Detailing and
Car Washes Get Slammed By El Nino
Our Franchises near the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range on the West Side
of this Great Nation who do auto motive detailing have been getting slammed with intense
weather. Most of the car washes in the region report the same news. It has been cold and
windy and lots of Rain, Snow and Blizzard like conditions, that keep our customers mostly
in doors and when they go out their cars trashed with mud, dirt and road salt. This is
both good and bad for our team. Bad in that it reduces the number of work days in
December, through late February, early March. Good in that every single car, truck,
shuttle bus, sidewalk and buildings is totally dirty and ugly, thus needing our services.
These vehicles will be so dirty that going to simple car washes will not suffice, they
will need to partake in professional automotive detailing services. Nothing can replace
the car care of an auto detailing expert.
these (medium intensity) El Nino Winter months our California Franchises get hammered by
rain making schedules hectic trying to work around the storms, which are obviously on
their own schedule. For those franchises near the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains both
on the leeward and windward side, those nimbus clouds climb upward where the air is much
colder turning to snow and provide a much needed snow pack, which will be in need come
next summer to alleviate the drought conditions. As many of you know we have been doing
research on Chemical Snow Removal Concepts to assist our franchisees in other venues and
revenue sources during these types of conditions in various regions in the US and Canada.
Currently CA is in a serious situation as the drought has affected all those who get
water from the Colorado River. Las Vegas, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego and San
Bernardino. So much so that there is in progress a water war which will end up in court
soon. Phoenix's SRP, has already cut the water supply by 50%, California has refused to
cut her supply as promised. Phoenix area has literally stopped building new homes and thus
the plot thickens as to how the water will be divided as California is at the end of their
water rights contract and is negotiating a new contract. Southern California only gets
some of it's water from Northern California, but what little in overall percentage it does
get it really cannot afford to give. The Farmers need it, the Bay Delta is need
rejuvenation of supply and the housing in Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley need it too if
more people are to live in the region.
So who on the Team is complaining? Well no one really. No one is
complaining. But we are getting calls from Team Members, Franchisees who do automotive
detailing and car washes, Vendors and even competitors in Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Nevada, Northern AZ and California. It is a big deal and the weather is pretty intense in
Post Cascade WA and OR, as well as ID car washes. And the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range is
getting it's share of harsh weather and it's much needed snow pack.
El Nino and this weather we are having could not have come at a
better time really, considering the much needed water supply. I guess the WashGuys will be
forced to take a few days off and be really really busy between storms for a while longer
as we catch up to our rainfall deficit on the West Coast.

As we write this Reno Area Franchises are getting hit with another 2 feet of
snow this weekend. All franchises within the region have been advised the $150.00 discount
on royalties will be available to those who have kept up with their Car Wash Fundraiser
and Community Service Obligations during the year. Proving what goes around comes around.
Washing cars, automotive detailing and car washes have been a scheduling situation during
the last part of 2002. In 2003 we do expect auto detailing, car washing and car washes to
be effected.
entire team has no limits and no boundaries. We are up for any challenge or adversity that
anyone can throw at us. Whether is insane government regulators who are out to destroy the
American economy, Slander from Competition who goes through our trash cans or Mother
Nature Herself. And if you want throw in a few International Terrorists too, Fine by US.
Because we will:
Run them over for FREE and then clean the blood off the side walk for a FEE.
We are The WashGuys and this my friends is 2003 !!!
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