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Phoenix Area Cities thank WashGuys

There is an update to this article:

Phoenix Area Cities thank WashGuys for their support and commitment to the local Phoenix area cities. In Mesa, AZ the Mayor Hawker and his trusty assistant Julie Rice alerted WashGuys Founder that they appreciated our efforts and said thanks. All the City Council of Mesa, AZ appreciated our Car Wash Fundraiser efforts for various reasons including drought mitigation, raising money for non-profits and careful controls to insure zero pollution during fundraiser events. The City Staff has been directed to review our efforts for appropriate inclusion in future resolutions.

The City of Gilbert, AZ was interested in learning more about our City Beautification Days plan. Here is an article of one City Beautification Day we participated in, this one was in the Nashville Suburb of Brentwood, TN; Click Here. We also discussed with the City Police Department our capabilities of improving their image as well as a Neighborhood Mobile Watch Plan we intend on modifying for their use.

The City of Chandler, AZ is a very fast growing area and includes many new areas where homes sales are growing fast. Mr. Brian Bosshardt, the Mayor and Council Assistant has made our knowledge known to the city's water staff and the Car Wash Fundraiser E-Book available to all the City Council and Chandler's Mayor.

The Detail Guys have been busy signing up for the local Chambers of Commerce and started our grass roots marketing and assistance plans to those cities. We are glad to be expanding in the fastest growing Metropolitan Area DMA. With over 39 new housing tracks currently in progress throughout the Valley.

Car Wash Guys and Detail Guys are working with the Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce in building their membership base and helping fight terrible anti-business building fees within the city. We have been working with Mr. Vince Davis withhis commitment to small businesses in the New Chamber of Commerce with 66 new members and growing. Queen Creek has been the fastest growing area in all of Arizona in the last two years.

Car Wash Guys have volunteered information to assist the Scottsdale City Police Department in adding components of our Mobile Neighborhood Watch Patrol, Click Here, into their community Police Program and have been corresponding with Dee Taylor assistant to Police Chief Alan. We have also submitted our Car Wash Fundraiser book to assist the D.A.R.E. supervisor and Police Explorer Scouts Advisor. Click Here. We hope with all the budget costs throughout Arizona that D.A.R.E. can get the funds they need in part by using our car wash fundraiser methods.

We have offered our assistance to the City of Tempe as well, however Kim Miyoung of the Water Utility Department said to our team;

"Thank you for sharing this information. Unfortunately, the City of Tempe cannot endorse any one particular business or organization, profit or non-profit."

In other words the Car Wash Fundraiser Book, which promotes water conservation and prevents storm drain pollution was of no value because it was given freely from a business? We guess this is a case of "not invented here." We therefore requested that this person be immediately removed of their position.

We have helped so many cities and government agencies across the country, free of charge with our information to assist in competent decision making and the betterment of mankind. To bad too many people are so caught up in policy and ego that they cannot see the forest for the trees.

We think that logic is irrational and think that Kim's comments are rather interesting and hypocritical since Kim's job is to protect water resources. Wefind it ironic because The City of Los Angeles thought the information was more than helpful?

So did The EPA? Click Here  As a matter of fact 12 States and 44 cities most much larger than theirs have adopted these BMPs and endorsed our procedures. None were asked too. The information is FREE, from a team who knows the information like the back of their hands. It is amazing how some cities see the light as the ones mentioned above, yet in the City of Tempe one person can ruin so much good will for their community and hurt the water resources of their town which they are paid with tax payers money to protect. "Outrageous!" says our founder.

Car Wash Guys have given our Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol to the Lieutenant of the Goodyear, AZ Police Department and the Community Policing Officer of the Glendale, AZ Police Department who were in much agreement with the concept of Neighborhood Watch Programs as both cities are experiencing exponential growth in new housing projects and population expansion estimates. As many might note President Bush has also endorsed the idea of Neighborhood Watch Programs as part of his "Volunteer at Least 2000 Hours Program." It is great to see the cities and towns across America working together with businesses and citizens to make us safe and keep us free.

Car Wash Guys correspond with Beverly Burns, Assistant to the Tempe Fire Department, and to Michael Reichling, Senior Chief Fire Inspector and Arson Investigator, in the City of Tempe who has asked for more information and a complete Arson Mobile Watch Plan, which was provided by Car Wash Guys. Arizona's "Arson Awareness Week" starts May 1st. Click here for a copy of that plan.

Car Wash Guys feel it is our duty to assist local government agencies where we service communities to do their job even better. This builds a team work atmosphere by leading the way by example for others to businesses to follow. By Uniting local government, citizens and business, we can maintain a much higher quality of life and economic prosperity where it really counts, in our own backyards.


The City of Tempe's Environmental Storm Water and Water Quality Attorney and the Founder of the Car Wash Guys came to an understanding on the concerns of Car Wash Fundraisers and run-off from events and agreed it was an issue worthy of comment. While they cannot endorse our Car Wash Fundraiser Book or our WashGuys Company, they did put up several links to other sites, which indeed have links or do reference our car wash fundraiser book including: The EPA Official Website, which references our Car Wash Fundraiser Book, The SMRC-Stormwater Manager's Resource Center Online, with it's many links to other resources, which reference our book. They have also put up links to StormWater Magazine, which you may recall has mentioned our company in a recent article. For this reason we thank the City of Tempe for doing what is right regardless of policy and bureaucracy. We also take back and stand correct on our comments about Kim in the Water Resources Department, since the issue has been solved. There will be no legal paperwork filed from our team since the common good has been served by the City of Tempe. We apologize for forcing our will, but are happy everyone has won. The Water will be cleaner and the car wash owners associations cannot complain that car wash fundraisers are hurting their business using waste water complaints. The non-profits can still raise money and the City of Tempe continues to serve the people in a noble way and the unity of the community is alive and well. Our team did see a car wash fundraiser there this past weekend and although they were not blocking storm drains we feel that the public awareness will grow and in the near future this will be a non-issue. Thank you to the City Attorney's office of the City of Tempe, AZ for doing the right thing in the Water Quality and StormWater Department.

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