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Franchisee of Q3 Winner

We are pleased to announce Pete Zamora of Sacramento as the Franchisee of the Quarter. Pete had very tough competition this quarter as five franchisees were very close in our decision. But in the finally tally Pete won. Pete and his wife Shelly have just purchased a new home and have two great dogs.

Q3 is always a tough quarter as the numbers are usually very good during summer. Pete not only pulled excellent numbers he also signed up a ton of new business and recently in the year added another unit. Sacramento is the capital of CA, and as many of you know California is a tough state to do business due to the outrageous demands put into place by government regulators.

Pete has also recently expanded is area of service and quality of service. Pete is a class act and his customers also had extremely great things to say about his level of consistency, cleanliness of the truck, uniforms and employee attitude. All of these things make customers happy to do business with the World's largest mobile car wash. Pete's customers are number one with him and this quarter Pete is number one with us.

Q3 belongs to Pete and his family, thank you from all of us at the Car Wash Guys.

Welcome Back Men, glad to have you on the team.

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