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Detail Guys and Car Wash Guys raise funds for 9/11 attacksDetail and Car Wash Guys Team Up With Reno Fire Dept.
To Help Raise Relief Funds! In the wake of the country's worst disaster we have ever experienced, all of America is coming together to offer their support. And no other industry has visibly shown their spirit more than the automotive industry. Large corporations and small businesses alike are working together to raise much needed relief funds for those who were injured and for the families of those who have lost their lives in the tragic events of September 11. Detail Guys Systems Inc. headquartered in Reno NV has agreed it is the right way to show our country's strength and solidarity. Beginning on Sat., September 29 and running for the next four weekends, Paul Andes, President of the successful franchise The Detail Guys, www.detailguys.com , has pledged to raise as much money in the Reno area for the New York City Firefighters and their families as possible. Andes contacted the Reno Fire Department to partner with them to ensure that funds raised would directly help those who need it the most and that all money raised would be coordinated by a nonprofit fund set up through the Reno Fire fighters Community Assistance Program Local 731. Andes, and his Detail Guys are also parmering with Gino Martin's Car Wash Guys franchise www.carwashguys.com in Reno to serve as many people as possible for the next four Saturdays. "We plan on having two locations set up for this Saturday - one that will provide car detailing services and the other that will provide car washing services," adds Andes. "We are going to be set up at our on-site detailing shop and also we will be at the Boy Scouts of America HQ for Northern Nevada in Reno." Both The Detail Guys and The Car Wash Guys will begin at 9:00 AM and work until 4:00 PM. "All of my Detailers are donating their time in the next few weeks for this cause. We are giving our local Reno Fire Department 100% of all the proceeds we raise which will then be personally delivered to the firefighters in New York City, along with an American Flag banner signed by all those who donated," says Andes. "Our Car Wash Guys will also be donating their time to help. As a member of the national chain, Car Wash Guys, across the, country want to help. And, since we are experienced in helping our communities on a regular basis, this was the natural thing to do," says Gino Martin. Also assisting us in washing the cars will be the Boy Scouts, LDS Church, local youth groups and the Junior ROTC. The Detail Guys and Car Wash Guys are not the only ones in the industry to step up to the plate. Members of Congress passed a resolution to assist in this tragedy with car wash fundraisers. For more information check out www.washamerica.com. Many independent detailing companies have also offered assistance in areas of Columbus OH, Orlando FL, Houston TX, Seattle WA and Los Angeles CA. It appears when the going gets tough this is one industry that gets going" Lance Winslow III, the Founder of The Car Wash Guys, and The Detail Guys has actually challenged his franchisees across the country to donate their proceeds to help in the relief effort. "It all started right here in Reno, Nevada with Paul Andes" says Mr. Winslow. "Paul has been instrumental in coordinating all the efforts in Reno to raise money (100% of proceeds) for the next 4 weeks for disaster relief through The Detail Guys & Car Wash Guys fundraisers. We thought we would challenge all Car Wash Guys across the country to do the same thing in their own communities and it is just skyrocketing from here," added Winslow. "I am pleased to see Paul and Gino are incorporating our company philosophy, 'Give back as we grow'- I am proud of their successes and that they are giving so much back to the country," adds Winslow. Winslow operates the world's only Mobile Corporate Headquarters and travels throughout the country personally visiting each of his franchises and raising awareness about his company. It has traveled to all 48 Continental US states and lobbied at all State Capitols for environmental law changes, labor issues and automobile aftermarket issues that affect our industry sector. This month however he is busy rallying his team and other members of the industry to support our country and our troops. "After this tragedy I had to do something," says Winslow. "That's why I am following the lead of our larger corporate friends in America, and stepping up to the plate and challenging all franchise systems across the country to donate proceeds of their business to help with the World Trade Center aid and relief," he added. His other challenge to every American Franchise is for every single franchise owner in the country to display an American Flag outside of his or her business. "It can be done and would truly be a symbolic message that we as Americans are united and our spirit cannot be broken." Winslow, like so many other Americans has been personally affected by these recent tragic events. He has cousins that work at the Pentagon and had numerous business associates that were at the World Trade Center and also has a long proud family history of dedicated service in our military, so that is why he feels so strongly about wanting to rally people together to help. "This tragedy is not going to break this country it's only going to pull us all together so we can kick some serious ass!" says Winslow. "They have awakened a slumbering giant. Now the businesses of America are going to come together and unite with a force the world has never seen in our history," he added. "Think about it, Dominos Pizza has created over 7,000 millionaires, McDonalds more than 11,000, and franchises like Burger King & Midas are also in that same ballpark. It's now our turn as franchise owners to give back and help aid our fellow Americans in need." Franchising is about providing the American Dream to people who wish to own their own business. We cannot let that American dream wither. The Team Wash Guy family of franchises, all Business Opportunities and Franchisors around the country must be strong and united now more than ever. The automotive sector is the strongest sector in the US for successful Franchisees and Licensees for almost 4 decades. Winslow is an active member of the National Disaster Franchise Relief Organization, which has previously joined together during other national disasters like Floods, Hurricanes, Tornados, Earthquakes, The Oklahoma City bombing and others. For more information about this national relief organization check out the website at: www.franchising.org. "I'm waiting for my fellow franchisor founders across the country and across the Sea to accept my challenge," says Lance Winslow III. "Wendy's, Burger King, McDonalds, Jiffy Lube, Midas, Subway, KFC, and any other franchises need to prominently display The American Flag outside their businesses and also donate a portion of their proceeds to the relief fund. We'll see who's really serious about helping and who just sits around talking about it," added Winslow. Independent automobile aftermarket shops and mobile technicians already have their flags out either on the building, in the window or hanging from their truck or van. We now challenge all other industries. The Concrete Wash Guys www. concretewashguys.com a co-brand mobile business Paul Andes also owns will be joining in. Paul said that he will offer Concrete Washing for customer's driveways and automotive shop floors and will also donate those funds raised to the Reno Fire Fighters Local 731, NYC Relief Fund. As of this article over $150,000 has been raised for that fund in Reno. "We really want to show the country how much the people of Reno, Nevada truly care about what happened. That is why it is so important that we all pull together with our firefighters to make this a huge success," says Andes. Detailing and Car Washing services will be available for donations with 100% of all proceeds going to the New York Firefighters beginning this Saturday September 29 and running until Saturday, October 20, 2001. Locations for the next coming Saturdays will be announced and community support are greatly appreciated. The donated monies, along with the signed American Flag banner will be flown to NYC by aircraft and presented to the NYC Fire Fighters Fund in memory of the September llth terrorist attack. The Reno plane will stop and pick up additional fire fighters in Fort Collins and take that city's donated funds to the NYFD as well. Wash Guys have franchisees in that market who also have helped with the community fundraising. Many radio stations will alert people each day of the event so donators can easily locate a fundraiser site. Gino stated after the first fundraiser day "This is a great nation and I think I found some great new workers, who volunteered to help us on the first week, to hire for my crew." We have received pledges from the TV networks and all Nevada Newspapers to carry the future fundraising dates along with articles to thank all the participants, washers, donors for their support. Paul has received a personal thanks from Congressman McClusky (R), for increasing The Great State of Nevada's solidarity and helping our fellow Americans in this time of crisis. Paul's wife invited Congressman McClusky to the next weeks event. He said "I would not miss it for the World." Go back to What's New |