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WashGuys Founder Completes Water Conservation StudyWashGuys Founder has just completed a 2-year study on water conservation. The Project started 2 years ago when our figures showed an impending continuation of the them mild two-year drought in the mid-west and Eastern Sea Board states. We had watched the NOAA reports and foresaw a terrible situation brewing with regards to the public consumption of water and indiscriminant usage in a belief that the supply was never ending. When the founder set off on a 5-year tour of the United States and took the Corporate Command Center on the road, he had contemplated his own water supply on the road. He then tried to figure out how one could live on under ten gallons a day. While that it itself is a remarkable accomplishment, as the project progressed he kept a journal and studied how it could be improved. After six months the ten gallons a day was lowered to 8 gallons a day and then six months later it was lowered to 6.5 gallons per day. It was then though possible that 6.5 gallons of fresh water per day per person is totally possible. The Blitz Mobile has two water tanks on board now. As you can see this fresh water tank contains enough water for one person for over ten days. This includes cooking water, drinking water, ice cubes, showers, toilet flushing, dish washing, tooth brushing, washing of clothes. The second tank is used for a back-up and has enough water to wash the Corporate Command Center 10 times. The truck is cleaned about once per week and yes that is an additional 2.6 gallons per day on average. It is important to note that there are many reasons why we waste this natural resource, however we have now proved it is not necessary to waste. It easy to limit your water usage to ten gallons per day per house hold member and even possible to go to five gallons and still have proper hygiene and be completely healthy. In many countries and at least 8% of our planet lives on less than 5 gallons per day. It is estimated that by 2045 that the population will have grown and that over 30% of the World's population will be using less than 10 gallons of water per day and 50% of the Earth's land mass will be in a drought situation. We can over come these possible futures by limiting our usage of fresh water to only necessities and save the other needs for reclaimed water, gray water and storm run off water. One of the easiest things one can do to limit water usage is to install low float toilets, smaller orifice in the facets, shut off nozzles on garden hoses and limit the time we take showers, water the garden and sprinkler the lawn. There are hundreds of other ways,but these alone in the US would save 15% of the water we use, enough to make the mild drought cycles of little consequence and the large drought cycles such as we are currently in only a minor nuisance. After 2-years into this study project we have decided not only to throw out our journal of the usage but to go back to the drawing board and attempt to reduce our usage by another one-third. We have replaced the electric 12 volt pumps with a smaller and lower GPM-gallons per minute unit. We believe this will allow us to cut our usage again in the Command Center. Many might say that there is no need to go this far or go without the much needed water. We understand that people are reluctant to limit their water usage, however we are now able to say it is not that bad, it can be done and should be done. If we are going to continue to populate this planet then we ought to realize that it comes at a cost. We can bare that cost if we work forward to a more sustainable level of consumption. There are things that all of can do, for instance pay attention to the watering of the lawns. Over watering does not help the lawn, most roots only go down three to four inches, any more watering is simply wasted. Click here for some great suggestions on how you can cut down on your water usage. Mr. Winslow also believes that efficiency is the key. Having been a former marathon runner, he believes in conserving energy and water to reach the finish line. It is possible and there are many people who have worked on such issues. We are now firm believers that we are in the beginning of a Paradigm Shift with human water consumption. It is time we looked at the whole picture. There have been so many incredible accomplishments over the years through the various drought times by those entrusted in controlling this finite resource of fresh water. These new innovations and successes have come incrementally and still we as a public do not pay attention to our own responsibility of usage of this precious commodity. It is time we change our thinking in our use of water, explore new options and look closely at the current projects going on around our country like the desalination plant in Tampa and the SRP-Salt Water River Project in Phoenix and Arizona. In Johannesburg World Summit in 2002, the main point was water, fresh clean water for the World. We are very concerned about the water here in the US. Recently at the Colorado State Fair the main concern was also water. Click here for more. We see lake levels and river flows down in CO, UT. MT, WY. OR, CA, NM, TX, OK, WV, TN. GA, FL, SC, NC, PA, NJ, KY, ND, SD, KS, NE, MA, CT, RI, NC, SC and VA in our travels across the country. We are not the only country on the Planet with such issues, actually we are much better off than most, but this is no reason for us to sit on our laurels. Water is everyone's business, not just those who wash cars. We need to be working together to conserve and work on ways to be more efficient for the long run. 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