PBS Salutes Franchising SiteIn a recent PBS Special Program Series "Money Moves," Public Broadcasting Association recommended
Franchising.org our Non-Profit Franchising Site as one of the Hot Sites to learn about franchising. We wondered why that same month our hit counter tacked out at over 1 million hits, when we were discussed on one of the segments "Episode # 318"
With Lay Offs at an all time high, and more to follow as even government will be downsizing due to inefficiencies, PBS has been assisting America in finding new careers to feed their families. We appreciate the vote of confidence in our team. Four years ago they did a special "Honey, We Bought The Company" which featured our Car Wash Guys Franchise.
We are happy to assist PBS as they help America get back to work and maintain fiscal responsibility in the family unit. Go back to What's New |