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Board of Supervisors, County of VenturaBoard of Supervisors
County of Ventura
Government Center, Hall of Administration, L #1880
800 south Victoria Avenue,
Ventura, CA 93009

September 7, 1993

Dear Lance:

Thank you for visiting my office last week and sharing with my staff what one of your employees did on August 31st.  I would like to commend Steve Snowbarger for his courageous action in reference to a motorhome that was on fire on Highway 101.  His action, along with help from other people, limited the damage to the vehicle so that it was not a complete lost.

I have enclosed a commendation for Steve and I would like to ask you to present it to Steve on behalf of myself and the other board members.  Thank you.


Maggie Kildee
Supervisor, Third District

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