Welcome to the Car Wash Guys

m58.jpg (18811 bytes)August 20, 1990

Dear Band and Pageantry Parents and Students:

Hello and welcome to NPHS Panther Band and Pageantry activities.  If this is your first involvement as a band and pageantry family, we are pleased to inform you that the Annual CAR WASH-A-THON is being kicked-off today.  This month marks the sixth event of what has become the "PREMIER" fundraiser for the benefit of band and pageantry students.

The Car Wash-a-thon, which by necessity requires the cooperation and involvement of both, parents and students, has become the most important fundraiser for us because 100% of the funds collected go directly to help defray band and pageantry expenses.  For three weeks prior to the actual car wash all band and pageantry students will be required to obtain pledges from family, friends, neighbors and businesses.

Because of our extreme concern over water shortages and the tremendous waste of water that could result from an old fashioned car wash, this year we are teaming up with "THE CAR WASH GUYS".  This group of young and enterprising business people will be donating their time and equipment to do the car wash.  Up to two gallons of water are used by their method of car washing, as compared to more than 40 gallons the conventional way.  We will be assigning students to assist the professionals during the car wash.

The car wash will be held at the Mobil Service Station located at the corner of Borchard Road and Michael Drive, on Saturday, September 15, 1990.  ALL DAY, starting at 9 am until we run out of cars to be washed.  The first 100 cars that arrive will receive a free car wash.  There will be other "doings" on this day that we will tell you about later.

Wash-a-thon Time Line:
First Week - August 20-24 - Obtain pledges from family, and all other relatives

Second Week - August 27-31 - Obtain pledges from friends, neighbors and acquaintances.

Third Week - Sept. 3-7 - Teams will contact businesses in the comumunity for pledges.   Parents obtain pledges at work.

September 15 - Car Wash

September 17-23 - Pledge collection.

To make it easier on everyone, 10 teams for Panther Band and Pageantry students will be selected to canvass the business community.  Each team will have a leader and assistant team leader.  The leaders responsibilities include:

  1. Work with assigned parent to contact team members parents for transportation and suprvision.  Should you need assistance, contact Hank or Leah Lacayo, 498-7679; or Jerry Spector, 498-7257, after 6pm.
  2. Notify each team member of the dates, times and transportation arrangements for contacting the business community.
  3. Parents, the school district requires, for the student's safety, that while traveling from door to door gathering either neighborhood or business pledges a student, or a group of students, must be accompanied by a parent.

In order to make the CAR WASH-A-THON a complete success it is of the utmost importance that each band and pageantry member achieve the minimum goal of raising $150 in pledges during the entire three week period.  Personal goals can be met by obtaining 30 pledges at .05c per car x 100 cars to be washed = $150.  Our goal this year is to raise $7,500 or more, which is sorely needed to help finance the band and pageantry program.

To make it more interesting for the student, we are instituting incentives: If a student raises more than $150, 50% of any money raised over that figure will be credited to the student's account.

In addition, prizes will be given to the five students who obtain the most individual .05c and above per car pledges.  A pledge will be counted toward the prize competition when the money has actually been counted toward the prize competition when the money has actually been collected and turned in to the Boosters (Business pledges excluded).

1st place - $55.00
2nd place - $40.00
3rd place - $30.00
4th place - $25.00
5th place - $20.00

More, cash prizes for students who obtain and collect the money on $30.00 worth of individual pledges.  For each $30 turned in, student will get one "lucky pick" from the hat for a cash prize.  Excluded from this incentive are the top five prize winners.

And last incentive, Team prizes will be awarded to the three teams who collect the largest dollar amount from businesses.  Each winning team will divide its winnings equally among its members.

1st place - $150.00
2nd place - $100.00
3rd place - $80.00

Finally, remember that pledges will be counted toward the prize competition only after money ha been collected and turned into the Boosters.   All pledge money is to be collected Sept. 17-23,and turned into Mrs. Mary Fesler, Booster Treasurer, by September 24.

Parents please believe us, our past wash-a-thons have been very successful because you and the whole family were involved.  We urge you to support and encourage your band student to make this year's CAR WASH-A-THON a great success.  We need everyone's help to reach our goal.

With all our best wishes,

Hank & Leah Lacayo, President
Jerry Spector, Dir. Ways & Means

Panther Band Parents, Inc.
Newbury Park High School Band & Pageantry
456 Reino Road, Newbury Park, CA 91320

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