Retirement Center for Aged Tractors
LaBarge, Wyoming
The oldest tractor in The La Barge, Wyoming Tractor Restoration Museum is this 1919 Fordson. The working museum is a lifetime hobby project of Mr. Don Studt. Mr. Studt has lived in Wyoming for 73 years and many of these tractors are former trade-ins from his former John Deere Dealership. He calls this working project the "Retirement Center for Aged Tractors." Mr. Studt does not own a computer and is not on the Internet. Some things you just have to see for yourself. If you ever travel to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, just go South about 80 miles to LaBarge, WY on HWY 189.

Mr. Studt has been in the tractor business since 1946. He says "Well, We love to talk old iron." And that he does with his unlimited knowledge of American History in farming and tractors. We talked for hours about the oil reserves in Wyoming, farming, water supply, changes in trasplanted peoples from other palces buying up properties, and how our country has changed over the years.

A true American, Mr. Studt, does it for the love of it and actually refused a donation from our founder. Instead he asked for a card and told us to let people know about his endeavors and spread the word and he would spread the word about WashGuys to travelers and passers bye.
Notice the John Deere Mechanical bucket which runs off a pulley system from the axles, not a PTO. Early American innovations in farming have given up much of this early technology. It is incredible to see all these old tractors are still running. We thank Mr. Studt for his passion to keep up the history of America for future generations. He does it because he loves it, and we love to talk old iron too.

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