Welcome to the Car Wash Guys

United States Tour

Livingston Montana

Livingston, MT is a gateway city to Yellowstone https://www.livingstonmontana.com/  and like many of the gateway cities to the state park it is a travel point for those entering the famous state park. Much of the small business community makes money of the Tourism as hikers and campers load up on supplies prior to entering the state park. Livingston also has it's own economy there and we service all 3 of the large car dealerships every Friday, washing down the cars ready for sale.

As you can see we stopped by the Chamber of Commerce https://www.yellowstone-chamber.com/   there to see if we could learn more about the town of Livingston and about how the Wash Guy services might be needed there. As we talked to locals and drove around we found an abundance of pressure washing work, truck washing, concrete cleaning that we had not yet tapped into, we will.

Livingston also has many musuems too: https://www.livingstonmuseums.org/assoc/default.cfm.

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