Roanoke, Virginia
Roanoke VA is a very patriotic City and has grown by leaps and bounds
over the past 8 years. Here we are parked out front of the huge Fire Works Sales Display,
where sales are up this year by 145%. It is great to see all the patriotic people in the
town and good to see the fire department also handing out flyers of fire safety for the
July 4.
Roanoke has approximately 88,000 inhabitants and
expects to grow to 100,000 by the end of 2004. We are interested in this market and have
seen the competition; Steam Way, Sparkle Wash and several others with some very cool
units. It will be a pleasure competing in a growing market where the pie is enlarged while
we simultaneously take the best customers from the inferior four. The four major
competitors in Roanoke VA. The people of Roanoke are very nice and appear to be of a
higher intelligence level than many of the other surrounding areas. Great Diversity in
Roanoke where the population base is broken fairly evenly amonst races and everyone
respects one another. It is a great market for us in the future.
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