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Wash Guys Draft Arson Watch Plan for USDA Forestry ServiceCLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ARSON WATCH PLAN It is part of WashGuys Corporate Community Efforts to assist communities. It is for that reason that we have drafted a report and Business Plan Proposal for a Neighborhood Arson Watch Program for the forestry service. The USDA Forestry Service requested a submission of a plan, and WashGuys delivered. We have been working with the USDA Forestry Service Research and Development Center in San Dimas, CA. Another project the USDAFS is considering is using WashGuys Equipment to clean the bottoms of vehicles leaving sensitive eco-systems within the forestry jurisdiction. Clearing the weeds off the bottoms of trucks and other vehicles which go off road will prevent the spreading of pathogens like the one infecting the Old Redwoods in CA. By cleaning the bottoms of vehicles they hope to keep the pathogen from spreading to the nearby Sierra Nevada Mountain Ranges. This pathogen has jumped species of trees already and is threatening the Old Wood Mature Forest Areas and must be stopped The Founder's Uncle was in charge of a Battalion of Forest Fire Fighters for nearly 20 years in the Mountains above Central Valley, CA. WashGuys deal with some of the same issues as the Forestry Service on a less serious scale. The issues of water shortages and droughts also affect the washing of cars, boats, airplanes and trucks and cause the WashGuys to go back to the drawing board many times each year to find better ways to conserve and protect this natural resource. We are currently working on ways to lower the number of gallons used to wash cars down to 2.5 even as the average SUV got bigger over the last few years. It is a challenge and we accept it. We take on the responsibility of the entire society for the betterment of mankind. https://carwashguys.com/history/museum8.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum181.shtml https://carwashguys.com/fireseason.shtml The La Nina's and El Nino's cause us significant justification for adapting new washing methods and changing our market mix in our franchise systems. We understand that many fires are started by lightening and occur naturally. We have been through severe droughts before as you can see as well as years with too much water. Helping with Flood Victims in Des Moines, IA and helping sand bad in Malibu, CA. https://carwashguys.com/history/museum153.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum134.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum140.shtml As many as 20,000 small brush fires each year occur in this fashion. Most are caught quickly and it is a fact of nature. The earliest Voyages of the Spanish Explorers noted in Log Books of the many wildfires along the California Coastline. There are indigenous plants that require fires to help them reproduce and spread their seeds. As the forestry service lessens the number of roads each year due to environmentalists lobbies these fires are harder to fight. And the brush is not thinned our for years on end due to the old growth not being harvested by the timber industry or lessened by fires. This fact tends to make the large fires even larger and almost unconquerable. This makes the forests and USDAFS controlled lands extremely vulnerable to this natural disaster. A fire once out of control can burn without any additional heat or wind, creating it's own. Having developed our business model over the past 25 years in harsh and sometimes extreme fire hazardous areas, we have come to understand that these little yellow trucks that drive around all day, can be used for other things when needed. Our team says, "when the going gets tough we will be there for the community." If we can put out or help control a small brush fire until the real fire department of forestry service arrives we are more than happy to do this, as a matter of fact we feel it is our duty as Americans as well as Team Wash Guys. https://carwashguys.com/history/museum139.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum146.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum151.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum230.shtml These fires can be divesting to those who live near such areas, as well as well preserved land set aside for public use and future generations. WashGuys even since our early beginnings have been concerned with these issues. here are a few links to our past efforts. Although small efforts in our humble beginnings it shows we have always been concerned for people, property, wildlife and public lands. The founders family comes from a long line of public servants, educators, military officers, scientists and entrepreneurs always seeking the win/win for all concerned. We have been designing these types of programs for governments for over a decade. Here is another program we designed for the City of Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village CA nearly ten years ago. https://carwashguys.com/history/museum201.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum209.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum202.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum203.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum204.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum217.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum221.shtml https://carwashguys.com/history/museum227.shtml To learn more about the plan to save our forests in these serious years of drought, below are some links. It is more serious than you may have imagined. We discussed this information with a scientist from Los Alamos who said that the Santa Fe/Albuquerque are was preparing for a 23 year drought and they were discussing ways to mitigate it and the chance of fires and running out of water if they try to fight them. This occurred in CA in 1993 when they ran out of water, and did not have enough water flow to put out fires that were raging in seven counties simultaneously. https://drought.unl.edu/ndmc/watch/watch.htm https://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/subject/hotopics/drought/ https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/drought/drght_home.html https://www.fsa.usda.gov/drought/default.htm https://www.nifc.gov/fireinfo/nfn.html https://flame.fl-dof.com/fire_weather/lr_outlook/ https://www.firewise.org/pubs/wnn/vol15/no2/pp-02.html https://www.disasterrelief.org/Disasters/0103122001fireoutlook We in the car wash business are not the only industry severely affected. Golf Courses, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Hydro-Electric Power generation, Fishing are also severely affected and if it hurts those industries it hurts us too. We wash for all those industries and some others that will also be affected. WashGuys believe it is our duty to help educate the people, assist our government in protecting her citizenry and helping curb the effects of natural disasters on our customers or future clientele. For more information on our thoughts on droughts and the car wash industry click the link below and search under the Key Words: "Drought" "Fire" or "Water Restrictions." https://carwashguys.com/bbauthorize/agreement.shtml Go back to What's New |